
Regional Networks Integrated Childcare

As the parent(s) of a child with a serious illness or condition who is in need of quality care, one is confronted with a lot of issues. You have to deal with numerous healthcare providers and organisations. This may ask a lot of you that will put the ‘ordinary’ family life under pressure. You want the best care and guidance for your child and your family, but sometimes it is unclear where to go with your questions. To support and advise families the Stichting PAL Child Palliative Expertise is working on the development of 7 regional ‘Networks of Integrated Childcare- for families with a seriously ill child (NIK)’, which will cover national coverage in 2019, in cooperation with the Dutch Association of Pediatrics (NVK) and stakeholders in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line care.

What is Network Integrated Childcare (NIK)?

‘NIK’ is a collaboration and cooperation network between different organisations and disciplines in a region. These include hospitals, general practitioners, doctors for children with disabilities, paramedics, home based care organisations, nursing day care centres, children’s homes, social workers, spiritual workers, chemists, volunteer organisations, education and the centre for youth and family. These organisations work together through the network ‘NIK’. Professionals from these organisations have much knowledge and experience in caring for children with a serious illness or condition. ‘NIK’ establishes the connection and promotes the collaboration between all healthcare providers that are involved or who need to be involved in the care of your seriously ill child and your family. ‘NIK’ also provides advice and guidance regarding healthcare expenses and points of contact in your municipality.

What can Network Integrated Childcare (NIK) mean to you?

Support in organising and coordination of care

Often you have to deal with different professionals, organisations and healthcare providers who are important in the care of your child. They however do not always work directly together. ‘NIK’ can support you in organising and coordinating care for your child and family. We ensure that the involved professionals communicate well and finetune the care plan on a regular basis. As a result all are aware of your situation and can help you with the issues you are facing. Together with ‘NIK’, you can control and maintain the direction of your situation, bringing more peace and balance into your family.

Support in organising and coordination of care
Insight into possibilities

Insight into possibilities

‘NIK’ could assist you in looking at the way forward. Healthcare providers help you clarify choices and think along with you. For example, what needs to be arranged when your child comes home after hospitalisation? What are the possibilities for going to school, seeing friends, play sports? Or what is the impact of certain decisions and events on your other children? How do you organise the care in order to fit it into your family- and work circumstances? Together with you and the healthcare providers involved, ‘NIK’ prospects the possibilities to provide appropriate care for your child and your family. Not only for this moment, but also anticipating what might happen in the future.

Information and point of contact

Do you have a care question for your seriously ill child and do not know who to contact? Are you looking for a listening ear or would you like to consult with a healthcare professional? ‘NIK’ is there for you. Based on your preference, one permanent contact person could be appointed to you, who would respond to all your questions. This could be someone from NIK, but could also be a healthcare provider who you already know. For more information about children’s palliative care in general, please visit www.kinderpalliatief.nl.


How do you recieve help?

If you have questions or if you would like support from a Network Integrated Childcare (NIK) for your child and your family, please register yourself by sending an email to NIK in your region. For NIK Holland Rijnland you can send an email to info@nikhollandrijnland.nl. Please state your name, your child's name and your phone number. ‘NIK’ will contact you within two business days. If you would like support, but do not want to make direct contact, a known healthcare provider can arrange this on your behalf.

For a list of all Networks Integraded Childcare, please take a look at www.kinderpalliatief.nl